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$250 /month $500/month

*3 month commitment required, redeemable by 12/15/2023

1 Weekend Guide feature per month

1 Instagram Story feature per month

$500 /month $1,000/month

*3 month commitment required, redeemable by 12/15/2023

2 Weekend Guide features per month

2 Instagram Story features per month

$1,000 /month $2,000/month

*3 month commitment required, redeemable by 12/15/2023

3 Weekend Guide features per month

3 Instagram Story features per month

$2,000 /month $4,000/month

*3 month commitment required, redeemable by 12/15/2023

4 Weekend Guide features per month

4 Instagram Story features per month

4 Guide Features

(i.e. shop small businesses, upcoming events, gift guide, etc.)

1 Featured Guide telling your story

4 Instagram Story features driving traffic to a guide you are featured in

$2,500 /month $5,000/month

*3 month commitment required, redeemable by 12/15/2023

4 Weekend Guide features per month

4 Instagram Story features per month

4 Guide Features

(i.e. shop small businesses, upcoming events, gift guide, etc.)

1 Featured Guide telling your story

4 Instagram Story features driving traffic to a guide you are featured in

1 YouTube feature telling your story

Save your spot

Our reach

The UNATION website reaches 500K+ people each month in Tampa Bay, who all interact with our platform for one reason - to find something to do. Our Weekend Guide specifically has proven to be extremely popular, bringing in 150,000 monthly readers for our Summer Special Clients. This number is expected to increase to 250,000 monthly readers throughout the holiday season.

Additionally, our Stuff to Do in Tampa Bay social accounts have a combined reach of
450,000 people in the community. Check them out below!


Check out the Tampa Bay Weekend Guide


Facebook group


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